Which Platform For What?
- The 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make In Social Media
- How Each Social Network Is Different – the advantages and the drawbacks of each of the top 6
- How To Pick Which Ones Are Good For Your Business
- How Many Networks Do You HAVE To Be On . . . and why?
- What you can automate and what you can not
- How I keep up with social media changes, and you can too?
- Tools And Resources To Help
Please see separate link above for LInkedIn Classes
1/2 Day Workshop

Are You Getting OUT What You’re Putting IN?
If you feel your social media isn’t working… or it isn’t worth the HUGE time investment… chances are you’re using the right tools the wrong way!
Most small businesses and solo-preneurs understand that they ought to use social media networks, (coz they’re free and everyone else is using them) but they aren’t getting the results they want. This is a common, totally fixable problem. It’s usually based on not having a clear objective, or having too many objectives at once. Any more than just 2 objectives puts a very muddy message into the marketplace. Your results will suffer, and your presence diminish.
Introducing ~
Your Social Media Endgame
a 3 hour workshop, where we’ll examine each student’s online footprint and look to
improve the goal,
fine tune the strategy,
boost traffic and
focus the end result.
We’ll explore –
The Point Of Social Media
The Best Use For Your Business, i.e. Knowing Your Objective
3 Guiding Principles To Keep In Mind
Which Tool To Select And How To Think That Decision Through In A Logical Way
How To Keep On Task And Not Go Nuts With The Volume, Noise And Speed Of Items Flying By
You, Your Business Opportunity And What’s Missing In Your Digital Footprint Right Now
Class Size is Limited to allow each business owner to have the maximum amount of personal attention.
For a longer, more comprehensive description of this class, and if it’s right for you, please give me a shout via Skype or an Email.